Last time I posted here on the blog was right before I started grad school. The fact that I am just now posting again, at the end, is a pretty good indication of how busy my MFA Ceramics program kept me. I have never been so busy, or worked so intensely, in my entire life. Earning my MFA was a trial by fire . . . an all-encompassing project that demanded every last second of my time.

Was it worth it? Did all of the figurative AND literal blood, sweat and tears shed upon this crazy project amount to anything?


My MFA program at Indiana University Bloomington changed my life. I expected to come into school and learn some things. What I ended up doing was completely transforming as a person and an artist. I feel like I was smashed up, melted into a molten liquid, and ultimately reshaped into a tougher, smarter, and more confident version of myself. I feel . . . sharpened, if that makes any sense at all. I’m incredibly grateful to the program, and everyone I met during my time there.